Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you. --C. Morgenstern

...Where red and black go together (Go Dawgs!), the dirt looks like rust, and the rolling hills are populated with green pines and a few cows. And, to me...the place where you can say things like "y'all", and no one looks at you funny!

A trip "home" to Athens, Georgia was long overdue--we had not been to visit in over 6 months! The drive is around 7-8 hours (depending on how many times I need to stop--sorry, Love) and because we usually can't wait to get there, we typically take off after work and arrive some time in the middle of the night.

We began our first morning in Athens slightly sleep deprived, though. We made it there around 3am, and because my BFF and I had planned a run together that next morning, I had just enough time to essentially power-nap! 13 miles on my favorite roads like Milledge and Prince provided enough excitement that I forgot how little I had slept...the coffee and powerbar didn't hurt either! Our bagels and Diet Cokes at Marti's were the perfect recovery.

The trip home also included my first trips around town in my sister's car-she is *16* and a new driver...but a pretty good one (keep driving with both hands on the wheel, Sarah); a high school reunion of sorts at Clarke Central's football game where my Grandaddy Billy was honored by past players; a Georgia football game Between the Hedges; a movie with mom; lunch and never-ending-hard-as-you-can-squeeze-hugs with my Nana; and a trip to the North Georgia town of Dahlonega for some old fashioned picnic-ing.

Before we knew it, the time had come to leave. Time at home always passes so quickly!

Thank you Mom, Dad, Sarah, Craig, Nana and Grandaddy, and Pop and T (and Nicholas) for such a fun trip back in Athens, and being the place where we're always understood.

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